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GI Bill - Divemaster 

Are you a Veteran interested in diving as a career?


Becoming a diving professional through Blackbeard Scuba is a fun and rewarding experience. If you are a Veteran and are interested in becoming a Pro, give us a call and ask how you can do it for FREE!


As a diving professional you will be a dive trip organizer, a diving instructor, and mentor to young and new divers. Continue to use leadership skills you earned in the military here at Blackbeard Scuba.




​Do I have to pay for the Dive Master class before I receive reimbursement? 

  • Yes


​Where can I find further information about education and training through the VA? 


​How much time of my Post 9/11 GI Bill am I charged for this reimbursement?

  • Your entitlement will be charged one month for every $1,832.96 paid to you rounded to the nearest non-zero whole month; this means even low-cost tests are charged one month of entitlement per test. 

  • Click here for more information. 


What else will the GI Bill pay for?

  • Assistant Instructor 

  • Scuba Instructor 

  • Swimming Instructor 


​Does the GI Bill pay for Open Water , Advanced, or Rescue?

  • No

5001 O'Quinn Blvd. Unit G, Southport, NC 28461 |  |  Tel: (910) 465-1902  


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